Tuesday, April 1, 2014

SEE YOU in ADEX (Asia Dive Expo) 2014

Bali Marine Sports will be in Asia Dive Expo (ADEX) 2014, 11-13 April 2014 at Marina Bay sands, Singapore.

Those who wants to set a trip and still don't know where to go, Mola-mola season soon will come, so consider our offer for Bali, see us at Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy, Indonesia's booth.

Any inquiry may drop us an email at info@balimarinediving.com, we look forward to serve you on your dive trip to Bali soon


  1. I am extremely pleased to discover this certain post very beneficial personally, as it consists of plenty of details. I decide on to browse the high quality articles which problem I ran across inside your soul post. Appreciate your expressing

  2. I am wondering how's the event? I really love diving specially
    scuba diving in Indonesia. I want to read the follow up post for this. Thanks

  3. Mellisa, this event was great, where the diver gathering from all over the world. Not only this event, there a lot other event related to scuba diving.
    For Indonesia it self, we have DEEP & Extreme Indonesia which held every year in Jakarta
